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Benefits of a home safe

Home safes are NOT just for the well to do! We’ve all seen the movies and television shows where a business tycoon or a glittering socialite recedes deep inside their mansion to stealthily enter their home safe. Maybe they retrieve wads of cash or some fancy jewelry. They may opt for a small handgun or some classified government secrets on a flash drive. None of this applies to you; right? Wrong! Home safes are actually for anyone and everyone; including you. Home safe offer a big step up from locked desk drawers and file cabinets. They come in all sizes, types and prices; all you need to do is read the rest of this and call your trusted locksmith in your local area.

Questions do arise

Like many others, you probably have lots of questions about having and owning a home safe. Are they expensive? Will it make me more likely to be robbed? How do I transport it if needed? Is home safe maintenance going to be a problem? What if I can’t get in and access my valuables? Do I tell my guests and friends about my home safe? Relax; these are questions that most other home safe shopper and buyers struggle with themselves. Read on and see how to get your questions answered in the best ways possible.

Rich or poor; safes are for everyone!

True that! Having a home safe just means that you care about keeping your valuables protected from those that should not have access to them. This can include nosy neighbors, children, guests, family members, thieves, burglars, landlords, and anyone else that you deem unworthy of your belongings. Theft is not the only thing you are trying to avoid; privacy is equally important, and many of our local Smyrna, GA customers list this as a prime factor in their home safe purchases.

So, what goes inside my safe?

The million dollar question; literally! Here’s the simple answer; anything you want! Safe items can include cash, rare coins, important documents, flash drives, software, art, weapons, appraisals, birth and death certificates, auto and home titles, insurance policies, treasured mementos, love notes, gift cards, award letters, credit reports, background checks, security codes, passwords, stock and bond certificates, payment books, tax records, IOU’s, credit cards, gold bars, theater tickets, silver coins, concert passes and lots more.


Money in all its forms is a good thing to have around! This might include cash, coins, and other forms of hard currency. Think for a minute; how often to you visit your nearest ATM machine and why? What do you use this cash for? You can think of your home safe as an in-house ATM of sorts. No transfer fee is ever needed and it’s open 24-hours a day, 7 days a week! Do you need money for shopping or for a food delivery? How about cash for a business or real estate deal? Cash on hand is always good when you need last minute auto repairs. Medical reasons are always at the forefront; it could be for you or for your spouse or one of your kids. Maybe your dog or cat got sick and you need money for vet bills. Ready cash is also great for car repairs, home improvement and last minute computer or laptop service or repair. Pay cash for deliveries, tips, rewards and for charitable donations; the sky’s the limit!


Keeping weapons and firearms in your home safe is not a must; it’s a valid option, though. You may or may not have a separate gun safe but depending on the extent and size of your weapons; you might just find that a home safe is perfect for storing hand guns, pistols, knives, daggers and ammunition. One frequently asked question about storing weapons at home is how accessible are your weapons in case of need? We urge you to discuss your concerns with your residential locksmith of choice. He or she will be in better position to advise you on the best choice of home safe models and their strategic placement so that you have fast and ready access to your guns in time of need as well as a secure location to protect both your guns and your loved ones from harm.

What about my file cabinet or desk?

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with storing documents and files inside your desk or file cabinet at home. That is, after all, their purpose! Bear in mind that while these furniture items are designed for keeping your files and important papers safe and organized, they are not meant to offer the utmost in security for them, either. Our locksmiths recommend using a mixture of desk, file cabinet and home safe usage. Keep your non important to medium important files in your desk and file cabinet drawers. Your items needing the most vital security should automatically go inside your home safe which will have a better, more secure lock on it. Cam locks are those most usually found on desk and file cabinet drawers and while these do offer a minimum of security, they are not burglar or tamper proof by any means! A simple screw driver or crow bar is often all it takes to quickly by pass these locks.

Will adding a home safe make me a target?

That depends on you! Can you be discreet about your home safe and what’s inside of it? Or, do you brag to others (or your children do) that you have cash, jewels, expensive watches and real estate titles hidden inside your safe? Our experience shows that adding a home safe is now so commonplace that the mere act of having one is not enough to increase your chances of home burglary or invasion.